May 21, 2013


One act of thanksgiving made when things go wrong
is worth a thousand when things go well.
John of the Cross

Another disappointment has left me feeling more than a bit scared and uncertain.  I like security. I like knowing that everything will be okay - be it a big savings account, a good job, a good report, a promise... I don't think I'm any different than any human being on this planet.  So what do you do when things just aren't going your way, the safe, secure happy way?  Well, I can tell you one thing, I don't sit around being thankful.  It's hard to be thankful and easier to be fretful.  I worry and fret and worry and fret some more.  And quite frankly, I have found that that doesn't work AT ALL.  So I'm going to try to be thankful today.  I have SOOO much to be thankful for.  My guess is so do you.  Be thankful.  I'm trying it instead of being fearful.


Kat said...

Is it crazy that you posted this on a day where I'm feeling way too fearful myself? It's been an ugly week of thoughts and I think this is just what I needed to see. Thank you.

geramyum said...

I battle fear and those negative thoughts in my head LOTS. I guess that's why I write about it all the time. A friend once told me that when those negative thoughts just keeping screaming in her head, she says out loud, "Thank you, let's hear from someone else now." ha ha ha


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