July 31, 2010

Home with my Zinnias

Hey there my blogger friends, I know it's been awhile.  I've been so busy with work, travel and a little vacation.  In the next couple of weeks I'll post some of the paintings I did on my travels - just have some finishing touches. 

This is the first cutting of Zinnias from my garden - love painting these too.  And they look so pretty in a beautiful terracotta pitcher I bought in Spain this past month.  I'll tell you more about that later. But for now just glad to be home.  This is what I do once I get home after I've been away for a bit.

1. Hug and kiss Baby Kitty until she howls and wishes I would leave again.
2. Cut flowers from my garden.
3. Thank God that my home is still standing when I get back.
4. Wish I had cut the grass before I left.
5. Go see Kennedy to see if she missed me - so far she hasn't noticed.
6. Make coffee and sit on my back porch.
7. Weed.
8. Paint the flowers I just cut for a vase.

July 18, 2010


In between I see beauty, smell flowers, feel the sun...
In between I dip my brush and change the paper.

Obsession is "the state in which an individual becomes obsessed with an attachment to another person, being or object."   

A warning to my fellow bloggers, please be careful with what you post.  I recently learned a good friend of mine who is being stocked/hounded/pursued by an aggressive follower to his blog.  It's hard to believe but all kinds are out there.    

Remember, blogs only show you a glimpse of a person's life. The glimpse he or she may want to share - just a corner of the table, a corner of life.   


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